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Required Competitions

Formal Wear

In this competition, competitors will show their poise, elegance, and grace while modeling an evening gown of their choice. They will walk across a stage and show the judges and audience that they are beautiful, graceful young ladies.


Personal Introduction

In this competition, competitors will recite a short (no longer than 30 seconds) introduction including their name, age, and a goal of theirs. This will show the judges and audience that they are bright young women that are able to walk into a room and properly ensure that they are known.


Onstage Question

In this competition, competitiors will answer one question in front of the judges about their personal life. Since there is no right or wrong answer, there is no reason to get nervous. This simply shows the judges and audience that the competitors are able to take a stance and gives some insight on the life of the contestants.

Optional Competitions

The following competition winners will only receive prizes if there are at least five competitors in the specific competition.


In this optional competition, competitors will display any talent of their choosing. They will be judged on skill, precision, and passion displayed in the talent of their choice. A few examples of talents are magic tricks, musical instruments, vocal performances, dances, or even skits.


Volunteer Service

In this optional competition, competitors will record the number of service hours that they have completed. The winner of this competition will be the contestant with the most volunteer hours.


Give a Heart

In this optional competition, competitors will donate supplies listed below:



-Sewing Pins

-Sewing Scissors

-Sewing Machines


-Cluster Fill

The winner of this competition will be the contestant that donates the most supplies. A good way to get supplies is to host a drive or raise money to purchase the items.

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